

Celebrating Clinical Trials Day: A look back to move forward

Celebrating Clinical Trials Day: A look back to move forward

Oren Cohen, MD, Chief Medical Officer and President, Clinical Pharmacology

Today, on May 20th, we celebrate Clinical Trials Day! This day recognizes the critical role clinical trials play in advancing medical science and improving patient care. It's also an opportunity to acknowledge the tireless efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals and especially the brave volunteers who participate in these trials.

But how did clinical trials come to be? Let's take a quick trip back in time:

  • 1747: Ahoy, Scurvy Fighters! James Lind, a British naval surgeon, is credited with conducting the first randomized clinical trial. Aboard a ship plagued by scurvy, Lind divided his crew into groups and gave them different treatments. This method, though simple by today's standards, laid the foundation for the scientific approach to testing new treatments.
  • Fast Forward: Over the centuries, clinical trials have become more sophisticated. The development of the placebo control, randomization and the double-blind method further ensured the objectivity of results. Ethical guidelines were established to protect participants' rights and safety.
  • The Modern Era: Today, clinical trials are a global endeavor. They encompass a wide range of diseases and conditions, from cancer and heart disease to Alzheimer's and rare genetic disorders. New technologies are also playing a role, with researchers utilizing digital tools, for example, to streamline trial processes.

At Fortrea, we are committed to clinical research. We can feel justifiably proud of the fact that we have a long history of deep involvement in clinical trials, and that our work has contributed very substantially to many hundreds of therapeutic agents that are improving lives worldwide.

Here are some ways we're involved:

  • We provide comprehensive Phase I through IV clinical trial management and clinical pharmacology services across a variety of therapeutic areas.
  • We partner with emerging and large biopharma and medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation.
  • We strive to make clinical trials more accessible and inclusive for all patients through our unique combination of consulting services, mobile and digital capabilities and our innovative Diversity and Inclusion Insights Dashboard.

Clinical Trials Day is a reminder that progress in medicine relies on the collective efforts of many. I am grateful to each and every Fortrean for everything they do to keep us moving forward to ultimately serve patients in need of better treatments. And I’m sure that we are all grateful to everyone involved in clinical research, and we look forward to a future where these trials continue to unlock new breakthroughs and improve lives around the world.

欲了解详情?  Visit our website's Global Solutions section or stop by our Trial Participants page to find out more about ongoing trials and how you can get involved.
