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Combatting Modern Slavery Statement

"Fortrea has a proud tradition of fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. This commitment extends beyond our company walls and encompasses all our partners and suppliers, in recognition of the global research community involved in the development of new treatments. In short, we believe in doing the right thing, the right way around the world. We are champions of human rights and are dedicated to eradicating modern slavery in all its forms, including forced labor and human trafficking. We understand the importance of conducting business ethically, responsibly, and with integrity, and we expect the same high standards from our partners and suppliers. Fortrea's Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps we take to ensure that our operations and supply chain are free from modern slavery and that all workers are treated with respect. We are committed to continuous improvement and will continue to work diligently to uphold these important values, which align with our Cultural Beliefs: Forward Together, Own It, Uphold Integrity, and Respect People."

Tom Pike Chief Executive Officer, Fortrea Inc.


Fortrea, Inc. and its respective subsidiaries (collectively, “Fortrea”) publishes this statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023 pursuant to section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australia Modern Slavery Act 2018.*


Fortrea’s business, structure and supply chains

Fortrea is a leading clinical research organization that provides vital information to help doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and patients make clear and confident decisions. Through our unparalleled drug development capabilities, we are a transformative force in clinical trial research, design, and device development. As of June 30, 2024, with more than 16,000 employees, we serve clients in over ninety countries. Fortrea (NYSE: FTRE) reported revenue of 3.105,8 € million in 2023.

Fortrea serves a range of customers, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and diagnostic development companies.

Fortrea's supply chain includes agents, brokers, consultants, subcontractors, vendors, representatives, intermediaries, professional service providers, including their employees, and other individuals or entities engaged to provide services to or for Fortrea (collectively "Third Parties"). Fortrea purchases goods such as equipment, laboratory supplies, pharmaceutical ingredients, office supplies and furniture, and other items and services such as recruitment, staffing, facilities management, IT systems, records storage, courier, freight, and ground transportation, from its Third Parties.

Learn more at or follow the company on LinkedInTwitterInstagramFacebook, and YouTube. Further information about Fortrea can be found in its Form 10-K Annual Report.


Fortrea has implemented compliance measures to prevent, detect, mitigate, assess, educate about, and resolve instances of Modern Slavery. The Fortrea Code of Conduct and Ethics and the Fortrea Supplier Code of Conduct ("Codes") form the foundation for conducting business with integrity at Fortrea, and these Codes expressly prohibit any type of Modern Slavery. Fortrea has deployed and regularly enhances its enterprisewide Ethical Labor and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy.

Fortrea does not tolerate Modern Slavery by its employees, Third Parties, or anywhere within its operations or supply chain. Fortrea's employees or Third Parties who violate its Codes and/or policies will be subject to remedial action up to and including disciplinary action and termination.

Fortrea's Corporate Compliance Department and Human Resources Department have primary responsibility for monitoring compliance with these Codes, policies, and plans, which are distributed throughout its business operations, including employees and management at all levels, and to its supply chain. Employees receive annual training on these Codes and policies and Third Parties are furnished with access to Fortrea's Supplier Code of Conduct.

Risk assessment and management

Fortrea acknowledges that as its global workforce and footprint continue to grow, there is increased exposure to Modern Slavery risks. While Fortrea recognizes Modern Slavery as a potential risk, the risk is considerably reduced in its operations, which largely consists of skilled and/or educated workers in a sophisticated and highly regulated environment operating under a framework of established rules, policies, and processes.

Fortrea has adopted employment and recruitment standards to mitigate the risk of Modern Slavery, including detailed pre-employment background checks and providing fair and equitable wages, benefits, and other conditions of employment in accordance with local laws. Fortrea recognizes employees' right to freedom of association, and Fortrea is committed to providing humane and safe working conditions free from discrimination and harassment. These standards are detailed in the Ethical Labor and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy and applicable Human Resources policies.

Using a risk-based model, Fortrea completes risk assessments of its business operations and supply chain to identify Third Parties with whom the risk of Modern Slavery and unethical or illegal labor practices may be prevalent, especially those where workers are unskilled, temporary, seasonal, short term or low paid. These include staffing and recruitment agencies, facilities management providers, call centers, construction companies, ground and freight transportation providers and other types of Third Parties with whom a higher risk of Modern Slavery could exist.

All Third Parties are required to comply with Fortrea’s Supplier Code of Conduct or to provide evidence of an established code of conduct, corresponding policies, and training.

Employees and Third Parties are encouraged and required to report any suspected Modern Slavery or other activity inconsistent with Fortrea's Code of Conduct and Ethics, policies, or applicable laws. This includes, amongst other reporting streams, the ability to report confidentially and anonymously through the Fortrea Action Line.

Due diligence processes

Fortrea established an anti-human trafficking due diligence process, which includes the completion of a questionnaire and provision of applicable documentation to demonstrate an effective anti-human trafficking program, applicable to a subset of Third Parties. This questionnaire, together with an internal risk assessment tool, assesses and categorizes the level of associated risk presented to Fortrea by the Third Party.

The process includes:

  • identifying, assessing, and monitoring potential risk areas in Fortrea’s business operations and supply chains,
  • completing pre-contract due diligence review on Third Parties, for example:
    • assessing the background and experience of the Third Parties including the proposed scope of goods and services and the countries in which these are to be provided
    • using the Global Slavery Index to rank countries in which the goods and services are to be provided
    • reviewing the engagement of subcontractors
    • reviewing the Third Parties compliance programs including codes of conduct, anti-human trafficking policies, and training provided to its employees
    • compliance with local minimum wage and child labor laws
    • screening for adverse media
  • incorporating anti-human trafficking provisions in all Fortrea contracts with Third Parties,
  • documenting and mitigating anti-human trafficking red flags which may surface in Fortrea business operations or its supply chain, and
  • protecting whistle-blowers.

Fortrea continues to improve its due diligence processes. A cross-functional team within Fortrea has developed a third-party screening process that enhances our capability to identify all Third Parties that are to be subjected to Fortrea's anti-human trafficking due diligence process.

Measuring effectiveness

Fortrea institutes measures which provide insight into the practices of its Third Parties. Using a risk-based approach, our commitment is to continue to review and assess commercial relationships within our supply chain.

Fortrea is proud to work with some of the most recognized Third Parties in our industry that share our commitment to the eradication of Modern Slavery.

We continue to promote our organizational values throughout all aspects of our business, and we insist that our Third Parties continue to do the same. If we find evidence of a failure to comply with our policies, we will seek to either address or terminate our relationship with the relevant Third Party.

Reporting and investigating concerns

Fortrea has defined and publicized clear methods for employees and Third Parties to report any actual or potential activity inconsistent with its policies (including Ethical Labor and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy), Code of Conduct and Ethics and/or applicable laws. This includes reporting confidentially and/or anonymously through the Fortrea Action Line at available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Interpreters are available to provide support in over 150 languages. Additional confidential reporting options include:

  • US National Human Trafficking hotline: 1-888-373-7888
  • UK Modern Slavery helpline: 0800 012 1700

Fortrea prohibits retaliation in any form (whether direct or indirect) against any individual or entity because the individual or entity engaged in reporting in good faith actual or suspected violation of Fortrea’s Code of Conduct & Ethics, policies (including the Ethical Labor and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy), laws or regulations; filed a complaint; or assisted with an investigation or disciplinary proceedings.

Fortrea's internal investigation procedures include a synchronized framework, system and process for the escalation and investigation of all suspected or actual misconduct and violations of Fortrea's Code of Conduct and Ethics, policies, and applicable laws and regulations. The investigation process is designed to be fair, consistent, and effective leading to appropriate remedial actions.

Fortrea's annual Modern Slavery statement is available to all Fortrea employees and the public to review. The publication of the statement provides an opportunity for Fortrea's employees, customers, investors, and suppliers to learn about Fortrea's efforts to reduce Modern Slavery. Fortrea seeks through its Modern Slavery statement and its underlying Anti-Human Trafficking program to bring awareness to this important human rights issue.

Training on modern slavery

To educate Fortrea employees on how to identify Modern Slavery and associated red flags in its business operations and supply chain, new employees receive training within 30 days of hire, and all employees receive annual training along with periodic communications to highlight the importance of identifying, monitoring, and reporting potential Modern Slavery concerns.


Fortrea's Codes, policies, procedures, supply chain risk evaluation and management leaders provide reasonable assurances that Fortrea has reduced its risk of Modern Slavery in its business operations and its supply chain. Fortrea is committed to continually improve its efforts on subsequent monitoring, identification, and prevention of Modern Slavery within its business operations and its supply chain.

This statement has been approved by the respective Board of Directors on May 14, 2024.