senior clinical team lead

Kelly Kewell

I’m a Fortrea Site Superstar!


Kelly Kewell

Your name and job title?
Kelly Kewell, Senior Clinical Team Lead

你们的实验室在哪里? What geographical region(s) do you cover?
I live in Southern Ontario, Canada with my husband and identical twin daughters, but my role spans the globe!

How long have you been working in the area of clinical research?
I started working in the research world back in early 2007, so 2024 will mark 17 years in the industry. I've held many roles, but my heart lies with Clinical Operations.

What is the best part of your job?
No two days are identical. I am constantly challenged, and therefore constantly learning. Not just related to research trends, but I have also learned so much over the years about different cultures and working conditions around the world.

Are there specific demographics within your local patient population that make ophthalmology studies especially pertinent to your Site/location?
Having relatives who suffer from the same disease we are currently studying means the impact of our work hits that much closer to home. Knowing that what I do each day may potentially lead to someone I know receiving more treatment options is an amazing feeling.

What has been an eye opener (pun intended!) in your work in ophthalmology?
Did anything surprise you about the patient population? I have been genuinely surprised at HOW far patients and their families are willing to travel to participate in ophthalmology research studies; sometimes this is upwards of 6-8 hours each way. Many patients require caregiver assistance to travel to the research site, and it is true testament to their dedication, as well as to the extremely strong relationships that our site teams have built with these patients.